5 Videos!
In this five-part video set, Donna Reish, author of Donna's Daily IF Start-Up Charts and Donna's Daily IF Course, teaches how to begin Daily IF while following the four start-up plans in the FREE chart booklet.
Video #1
In Video One, Donna explains the basics of Daily IF, including definitions and terms, what to expect when beginning, various fasting protocols, when and what to eat, how weight loss is achieved, how to cope with hunger, and much more.
Video #2
In Video Two, she explains how to follow Chart #1 "Cold Turkey" Start Up. She covers how to cope the first week or so with hunger, electrolyte imbalance, mood, and more. She helps the faster go from the first week of fasting for many hours up to OMAD (One Meal a Day) by the fourth week.
Video #3
In Video Three, Donna teaches how to take a more incremental approach to reaching OMAD via Chart #2 "Incremental" Start Up. She explains how to go from twelve hour fasts to nineteen hour fasts in a slower pace than Chart #1. She teaches how to go down gradually to 2MAD (two meals a day) then OMAD with lots of tips and helps along the way.
Video #4
Video Four contains information about starting Daily IF while allowing small servings of fat to fight off hunger, gradually decreasing the fat allotment each week for the four weeks
Video #5
Finally, in Video Five, Donna explains how to fast for 16 or 18 hours a day (and potentially 2MAD). She explains the need for other eating boundaries to be in place when such a long eating window is being observed. She also gives ideas for the most effective boundaries to use during shorter fasting times.